Monday, June 11, 2012

VI. Vifon Hủ tiếu Nam Vang

Brand: Vifon
Name: Oriental Style Instant Rice Noodles 'Phnom Penh' Style
Price: 0,50 €


Hủ tiếu is a famous and typical traditional dish of Cambodia that Vietnamese and Thai people also eat because of the many Khmer people over there. Thats what Wikipedia says. Here's the link for the smart asses who are actually interested in reading something about that issue: I have to admit I had no fucking clue what the difference between Pho and Hu tieu is, though I'm vietnamese. I actually still don't habe a fucking clue. But who cares, noodles are noodles and soup is goddamn soup, brah.We all s*** the same, there is no difference!!!

There were the usual bags of powder, fat, vegetable/weird tofu chunks and also one with dried little onion pieces inside. Maybe it was garlic, couldn't really tell the difference though. I thought those would give this soup a special awesome taste, but it tasted crap. Like little splints of something that is everything else but onion. Or garlic.

The taste of the broth is pretty weird, too, like semi-frowsty vegetable stock. Kinda couldn't get along well with these flavours. The noodles weren't that satisfying, too, unevenly thick and hence not evenly soft. They also had a strange pale-grey shade, but the slippery feeling they made me feel on my tongue was kinda awesome hahahah. At least one good point.

Rating: Because this noodle soup didn't really overwhelm me and its taste is kinda special and distinct, I suggest ya'll try this out on your own, maybe ya'll like this more than I did. C-


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. of course there is a difference in the taste of hu tieu and pho :D Hu tieu is much sweeter, as it contains more tom kho in it. YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT :D
